Welcome to St. Luke's

St. Luke’s San Francisco is a welcoming, inclusive church with a strong sense of community and family. Outstanding music, graceful liturgy, and good preaching are central to who we are. Come in and be filled with God's Spirit. 

Sunday Worship

10:00 a.m. Holy Eucharist with Choir. 

Click here for livestream

Upcoming Special Services:

Sunday, March 23, 3:15pm: Organ Recital, James Parrish Smith ■ 4pm: Choral Evensong

Sunday, April 13, 10am: Palm Sunday

Thursday, April 17, 4pm: Maundy Thursday

Friday, April 18, 12pm: Good Friday

Sunday, April 20, 10am: Easter Sunday

Children welcome! We have a changing room with the necessary amenities for infants and toddlers. Please see an usher for details and directions.

Please join us in Dade Hall following Sunday services for coffee and refreshments. 

Wednesday Worship (Meets Online)

8:30 a.m. Healing Prayers

Bible Exploration Class (Meets Online)

5:00 p.m. Thursdays

Email the office (office@stlukessf.org) for instructions on how to join virtual offerings.


Sign up to receive our weekly e-news. 

— Join us at the corner of Van Ness & Clay —

St. Luke's is located at the corner of Van Ness Blvd. and Clay St. The entrance to the nave is on Van Ness. Our address (and the entrance to the church office) is 1755 Clay St., San Francisco, CA, 94109. If you can't find a space on the street, complimentary parking is available on Sundays at the Old First Parking Garage, 1725 Sacramento St., between Polk St. and Van Ness Blvd. Please make sure to have your ticket validated by an usher. Convenient bus routes include the #1 California, the #47 and #49 Van Ness, and the #19 Polk.

An Oasis in the City

At St. Luke's, we believe that God’s grace is for all, regardless of age, abilities, physical and mental health, race, sexual orientation, gender identity, education, income, or strength of faith.

Our Gothic Revival building creates an atmosphere of contemplation, a sanctuary from the rush of the city. The altar, with its white marble, bas-relief Madonna sculptures and golden stars floating heavenward draws us into God's presence. All of this is illuminated by magnificent stained-glass windows. 

150 Years of Service and Celebration  

Founded in 1868, St. Luke's San Francisco is one of the oldest parishes in the Diocese of California. Our first home was a wooden building at 1625 Pacific Avenue. In 1884, this structure was placed on rollers and moved to the current location at Van Ness and Clay. 

During the next decade, membership grew and a new church was built. Designed by Albert Sutton, this building was constructed of brick covered in blue-grey sandstone. Consecrated in 1900, the new church was destroyed in the 1906 earthquake and fire. Determined to stay a part of the neighborhood, the vestry retained Benjamin Geer McDougall as architect of the current French Gothic revival building, completed in 1910. 

Today, St. Luke's is a beautiful and gracious space for worship. However, "St. Luke's is not just a building in which to worship, it is a place to join a community and find a reflection of our humanity" (former Rector Spencer Rice). We are grateful to build on the legacy of faith, hope, and charity manifest in the stone, wood, steel, and glass that generations of past parishioners have built.